In 1985, When Cherrie and Ara Carapetyan renewed their wedding vows, Cherrie asked Ara what his most cherished wish was.
He said, “To create an oratorio society in Houston.”
She said, “Let’s do it!”
In 1986, Dr. Ara Carapetyan was the distinguished Director of Music Ministries at Houston’s First Presbyterian Church, and Cherrie was a management consultant providing development and training opportunities to non-profit boards and staff. The Houston Symphony was one of her clients. Together they applied for a non-profit charter, put a board of directors together, and proceeded to plan concerts, audition singers, and raise funds to found, sustain, and grow “The Houston Oratorio Society.” The chorus sang Johannes Brahms’ Ein Deutches Requiem in the Wortham Center’s opening celebration in 1987.
Ara programmed masterworks of the choral repertoire and experimental works of contemporary composers. The chorus, having changed its name to Houston Masterworks Chorus, enjoyed a large audience of committed music lovers. After several years at the helm and much soul searching, he and Cherrie agreed that it was time to take the organization to the next musical level.
In 1994, Bob Brewer was hired as the most qualified maestro. Robert Brewer, a consummate musician, organist and choir director at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, brought musical discipline and artistic vision, and excited a new generation of singers and audiences. After several years under his direction, Bob decided to step down. The Board of Directors spent a year considering three qualified applicants for the position of conductor. Each was assigned a concert with preparatory rehearsals.
In 2000, the chorus had major input in the selection process as Dr. Craig Hella Johnson was named Artistic Director/Conductor. Craig was Director of Choral Activities at The University of Texas, Austin, and traveled weekly to Houston to provide an exhilarating, magical experience at rehearsals. The board was excited with his forward-thinking plans and set about raising funds to support his vision. The audience grew, the budget grew, and the musical standard surpassed expectations. HMC participated in the Victoria Bach Festival expanding its outreach and broadening its horizons. After four years with HMC, Craig decided to follow a different music career path, founding the now famous Grammy Award winning Conspirare, in Austin, precipitating another Director search.
In 2005 a willing and immensely talented replacement, Dr. Alan Hightower, was selected. Alan was Director of Choral Activities at Sam Houston State University and Music Director of Houston’s First Baptist Church and Tallowood Baptist Church. He successfully led HMC for four seasons and then he accepted the position as Director of Choral Activities at Luther College in Iowa.
Once again the HMC Board of Directors performed a Director search. Paula Blackmon very capably served as Interim Director during the search for a new Artistic Director and Conductor.
In 2009, Mr. Tom Jaber was hired and during his tenure he expanded the chorus, performing in venues in Houston and beyond. In 2016 the chorus traveled to Italy where they performed in numerous concerts including mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome. In June, 2019 he accompanied HMC to perform in Carnegie Hall New York.
May 15, 2017, Mayor Sylvester Turner proclaimed as “Houston Masterworks Chorus Day” in recognition of the 30th Anniversary Concert Season.
In December 2019 we welcomed Dr. Paulo Gomes as our new artistic director/conductor. In 2012 as a University of Houston doctoral student he learned HMC was interviewing artistic director applicants; he seriously considered applying, but decided to complete his studies.
This fall after interviewing several highly-qualified artistic director candidates, the board of directors decided Dr. Gomes was perfectly positioned to take HMC into the future. He will share his musical expertise and expand the artistic vision of the Houston Masterworks Chorus. Welcome, Dr. Gomes!